Tena koutou, Kia ora koutou, Ko Finn Toku Ingoa, Ko Greymouth ahau, Ko Karoro Toku Kura.
Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please. Today I am here to talk to you about the Palm Oil industry and the issues within it.
- Palm Oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that comes out of the oil palm tree. It is used within the making of off all these things: chocolate, lipstick, ice cream, pizza and much more. All these thing are either used or eaten everyday but if you thought about these next things you would probably not want to even hear those words again.
Animals are dying because of the palm oil industry. Imagine if we were in this position. Children and adults would be getting slaughtered and the animals that are getting slaughtered in reality would be lounging around and eating chocolate and pizza. People are destroying forests and habitats in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Colombia, Nigeria, Ecuador, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea. People cause climate change because of the fires they set to clear the forests. This deforestation is just to plant oil palm trees so people can get the palm oil. Deforestation is affecting the Sumatran Rhino, Tigers, Orangutans and Asian Elephants. It is not just affecting them. It is also affecting humans. Many people are slaves in this industry and just want to feed their families. They have to work there butts off to earn this money. Some are not payed but other people are usually given a wage of 46 rupees which is equivalent to 95 NZ cents. They only get this money if they harvest a certain amount of palm oil. Not only adults have to do this work so do kids! Violence is often given to the people who do not want to work for their owner like getting beaten or whipped.
With the climate change in the deforestation it is supposedly causing Antarctica to melt. It is also destroying the ozone layer. This palm oil industry is worse than death because it is taking and destroying lives. The sumatran rhino is actually an endangered species but people are still wiping out the population. You will be able help this if you stop eating and using cadbury chocolate, lipstick and pizza. This will reduce the amount of money they have and they will not be able to run their business. If you can do those little things then these animals will have a high chance of not going extinct.
Thank You for listening. Bibliography